Placing a Bid

Buying merchandise on is quick and easy.

If you have something in mind, you can search all currently open listings by using the search box or the navigation, both located above.

Once you find what you're looking for, you can click on the item's description to enter the item's "Listing Page." This area contains all pertinent information about the item, including warranty, shipping and description specific information.

We urge you to read this information carefully, allowing you the ability to bid confidently. After the allotted time for an auction has expired, a message indicating "SOLD" will be displayed.

Placing a bid

Your bid amount should exceed the current highest bid by at least the set bid increment. Only place bids in whole dollar amounts. Cent increments will not be applied.

If a bid is placed during the last 15 seconds of an auction, the auction will be automatically extended for additional 15 seconds from the time of the latest bid. The auction will close once all bidding activity has stopped for a period of 15 seconds.

You will receive an email declaring you the current winner of an auction.

Tracking your bids

Use's Add to Wishlist feature to track items you are interested in, but not yet ready to bid on. The wishlist closely monitors the status of these items so that you are able to keep an eye on them as they develop.

Retracting your bids considers a confirmed bid on an item to be a legally-binding expression of intent to purchase. Once you have submitted your confirmed bid, it cannot be retracted except in the following exceptional circumstances:

  • You made an obvious typographical error when placing a confirmed bid amount.

Exceptional circumstances do not include bids placed on a similar item, changing your mind, or stating that you cannot pay for the item.

To retract a confirmed bid, please contact Customer Service with your request and include the item listing number and a valid explanation. Bidders who retract their bids may not place new bids on that item.

Bidder`s agreement

By logging into, you agree to and accept's Terms and Conditions and are responsible for reviewing our list of Bidding and Buying violations.

Internet fraud is a serious offense. Every time you log into, Your IP address is recorded. This information can be used against fraudulent bidders. will fully cooperate with any investigation into internet fraud involving our auctions.

Bid shilling occurs when someone bids on an item for the sole purpose of driving up the price. Please bid only on items you intend to purchase. Any evidence of bid shilling on a auction warrants immediate termination of membership.

Bidder`s obligation

When you bid on an item on, you enter a legally binding contract, in which you express intent to purchase the item. Failure to do so in a timely manner will result in termination of your membership.

You are responsible for keeping track of all of your winning bids. You will receive an email indicating you are the highest bidder. At that point, you have two (2) days to pay for your items. This policy ensures timely resolution for both seller and bidder. Extensions are subject to approval.